Living the Resurrected Life
Living the Resurrected Life Read More »
My blogs are usually inspired by some random encounter, event, or experience, but this one was kindled by one of my son’s creative expressions from an earlier period that hangs over my desk. Sean is one of those unique humans gifted with a talent that goes beyond description. To fully appreciate his work it must
Intentionally Going Nowhere Or Reaching Excellence Read More »
A few days ago, my wife and I hunkered down and waited for hurricane Helene to pass buy. The original reports said that because of the size of the hurricane it would be directly over our home in central Florida. Instead of turning east toward us it drifted to the northwest, passing over the Florida
Nothing Here Is Permanent Read More »
Last week I posted a note about Hurricane Helene that passed by us limiting the damage in our area. Unfortunately, it continued north with devastating results. My wife, Roberta was raised, in Black Mountain and she was informed that her hometown no longer exists as she knew it. Today, while I’m writing this note, the
Milton Is on The Dance Floor Read More »
The stomach is the most useful and powerful organ in your body. You can pour boiling coffee into it and it will cool the coffee. You can force frozen ice cream into it and it will warm it instantly. Almost any substance or bacteria can be broken down within its acidic chambers. Three-fourths of it
One day a hunter looking for game came upon the apostle John sitting along the Sea of Galilee fishing. He thought that such a mighty man of God must be catching fish to feed the needs of others. Passing by the next day, he saw that John was still sitting in the same spot fishing.
It’s Great to Be One of The King’s Kids! Ever have one of those days that you get so engrossed in what you’re doing, that the world stopped rotating and you didn’t notice? I am having such a day. I spent four hours at my computer and didn’t look at my watch until 12:40 PM,